Top: Karen Day, Kathy Lopes, Carol Lawton, Deb Cummings, Howie Tucker, Bottom:Russell Sinclair, Elizabeth Howland, Betty May Ruggles Tommy McGreevy. Special thank you to Mrs. Betty (May) Ruggles for sending this photo in.-Staff
Rogers School Grade 2 Mrs Hoxie
Rogers School Grade 3
Rogers School Grade 4
Rogers School Other Grade 4
Rogers School Grade 5
Rogers School Grade 6
Birthday Party - February 1966 - Jon Stetson- not an FHSer- but now a famous Illusionist, boy with glasses-not sure. Tad Duarte, Ernie Lewis and his brother Robbie.
Birthday Party February 1966. Ernie Lewis, girl in red? Ann Dwyer, Boy in plaid? Tad Duarte.
Red Sox little league team. Parade near Rogers School. Only boy we can make out is Russ Sinclair. Can you name the rest?
Rogers School 6th grade outing. Teachers Mr. Crane and Mr. Holstius. West Island. March '71? photo dated.